ADor-Biker provides you with all the information you need to pass the written test. This written test package is also included in the scooter license training if you are interested in enrolling in the lessons with us. We still suggest taking lessons if you are new to Taiwan or learning how to drive. These scooter lessons also provide all the tips and training you need to pass the practical scooter driving test.


With the scooter license package we assist you by gathering all the information needed for your application, and simplify the entire process for you by guiding you from start to finish - we submit your documents, book your testing dates, and iron out all the blurry details, right up until the delivery and the collection of your license card. 


If you would like to apply on your own accord and organize your own application, you are more than welcome to do so. We have a separate study package you can purchase from our online store that gives you all the information and study materials you need to pass the written test on your own. 


For more information, contact us on our Facebook page or send us a message on